January offers great live music, starting off 2019 with a bang
“Another year over and a new one just begun” sang John Lennon back in the day. Folks, 2018 was a very good year in the New England music scene. We’ve all seen the rise of new artists. We’ve seen up and comers move to a higher level. We’ve seen veterans of the scene do very […]

December; celebrate the holidays and winter festivities with the best in New England’s live music scene
December is a beautiful and mysterious month. It creates a sense of the holidays, warm, religious, family oriented holidays. Christmas and Hannuakah create images of gift giving, sharing good times. One of the best things you can share with your fellow New Englanders is the music created right here in New England. A local artist […]

November; a music month to salute and be thankful for
November is associated with many tender observances: Election Day, Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving, and Black Friday. With so much to be grateful for, thankful for, and a day to shop like crazy, why not also take in some band shows performed by our seriously talented New England bands at our most beloved, well-respected venues. Here are […]

October; leaves change color, venues scare up good music
October is a spectacular month. It simultaneously conjures images of people in flannel shirts sitting among pumpkins in hay covered barns, people partying at various Octoberfest blasts, and, everyone wearing a Halloween costume that they wouldn’t dare to wear any other time. This all makes October a very fun month to go out to hear […]

September continues the hot weather and hot music sizzle
Hello Gentle Readers, It’s that time when summer must come to an end, though I suspect the summer of 2018 won’t go down without a fight. While you all are putting your swimsuits away for the year and parking your lawnmowers in the far corner of your garage, there is one thing to look forward […]
Connecticut music scene heating up with hot CDs; Daphne Lee Martin, Jeff Przech, Kate Callahan
I just finished reviewing the third of three CDs by artists from the Connecticut music scene. If you’re not already familiar with Daphne Lee Martin, Jeff Przech, and Kate Callahan, then you might wish to check out their recordings a.s.a.p. Daphne Lee Martin’s CD titled Scared Fearless is a haunting roots Americana album. Jeff Prezech’s […]

August Buzz column; catch the live music while it’s still hot
Hello Gentle Readers, August is a sign that summer is half over. Instead of sitting around regretting that we didn’t do more with our summer months, it’s time to check out some more hot summer shows. I have found a bunch of bands and singer-songwriters and solo acoustic acts. I hope this August Buzz Column […]

New England music scene is getting hot in July
Happy summer gentle readers, July is upon us and the temperature is rising. Things are heating up in our New England music scene, scorching hot music by seriously mercurial artists. Please make time between family vacation, beach days, and the amusement parks for some of our hottest bands. I’ve compiled a list of some smokin’ […]

Buzz column: June brings warm breezes and cool music
Dear Gentle Readers, the temperature is starting to go up here in New England, finally! That means that there’s going to be a hot time in the old New England town tonight. Somewhere in New England there is band or singer-songwriter doing their thing during this month of high school graduations. While the weather is warm […]

May Buzz column; spring has sprung with hot music
Happy Spring, everybody. That might sound sarcastic, considering our “spring” season has really sucked so far. What to make of this cold, wet, and still snowy weather? Who knows? The April showers have not sprung May flowers but there is plenty of warmth rising up from the roads and streets of New England, those roads […]