The Buzz

November: Veterans' Day, family, friends, Thanksgiving turkey dinner, leftovers served up with great live New England music

November: Veterans’ Day, family, friends, Thanksgiving turkey dinner, leftovers served up with great live New England music

We all know the plus side 0f November; family and friends over for Turkey dinner on Thanksgiving Day, four day weekend, leftovers for the next week, and for those of us who follow this thing called the New England music scene, great live music. Below are some offerings from around our six state region to […]

Popular New England vocalist Shari Richardson

October is more colorful with live New England music

What do we New Englanders like most about October? The fall foliage? The Octberfest beer blasts? The flannel fashions? The Halloween parties? We can enjoy all of those festivities while also getting our fill of live New England music. Listed below are several offerings to keep you in the midst of good live music while […]

Erin Harpe Country Blues Duo hitting numerous stages

September sizzles with hot, live New England music

September 2: Jodee Frawlee;Kennedy’s.; Marlboro, Massachusetts. 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. September 2: Sage And The Tumbleweeds; Tookys; Hillsboro, New Hampshire. 5:00 pm to 8:000 pm September 2: Dan & Faith; Peterborough Lunch In The Park; behind Toadstool Bookstore Peterborough, New Hampshire. Noon to 1:00 p.m. September 2: Jennifer Mitchell Acoustic Murphy’s Taproom – Manchester, […]

Spend your hot August nights with cool New England live music

Spend your hot August nights with cool New England live music

August 2021 is sure looking good. Have you gotten your vaccine yet? It would sure help us to avoid another fall of limited live music, bar closings, restaurant capacities, and people croaking in the I.C.U. Here are some New England live music offerings to keep you motivated: August 1: Big show; Triple Album release show […]

We're back to live New England music this July

We’re back to live New England music this July

I can hear The Beatles in my head singing “It’s been a long, cold lonely winter.” For months, we’ve all been trapped inside a small world consisting of work, home, and the grocery store. Live music has been denied to us entirely in some New England states while being limited in its presentation in others. […]

Tricia Dovidio; Diamond Edge Band

March; St. Patrick’s Day and spring go better with great New England live music

March Buzz column is brought to you by the color green. St. Patrick’s Day and the beginning of Spring, which already feels upon us, are two great reason to celebrate this sacred month. In New England, we’ll celebrating St. Paddy’s Day, spring, and the Ides of March with some great live music. March 1: Anthony […]

Niki Luprarelli; hosts Speakeasy

February; Valentine’s Day, Black History Month, cold weather, and hot New England live music

February is marked by the romantic Valentine’s Day, the traditional Black History Month, and very, very cold weather. We can warm things up with hot New England live music. Valentine’s Day could be a date night to have dinner while dancing to your favorite band. Black History Month is a good time to explore blues, […]

Cbad Verbeck t

Promising a year of great New England live music, January starts off 2020 with a bang

January marks the beginning of new adventures. For those of us working the New England music scene, it promises to be another year of good live music. Every year seems to be even better than the last and this time around we are beginning a new decade as well. Here is a sampling of what […]

Gay Perkoski; Attleboro singer-songwriter

December: tis the season for great live New England music

December: can you hear the sleigh bells ring-ah-ling and jing-ah-ling? That’s really the sound of percussion, tambourines, and cymbals coming from the New England music scene. Aside from Christmas and Hanukkah celebrations, we’ll be able to treat ourselves to live music while downing a spiked eggnog. Below are some suggestions for a great time listening […]

Arthur James; Malyssa Bellarosa; Alicia Botticelli-Tarasuk; Paul Costley playing a 1600s Thanksgiving. photo shop: Alicia Botticelli-Tarasuk

November; a month to gobble up some great New England live music

When we think of November we think about that warm Thanksgiving Day meal with family and friends. Some people might also think about Black Friday prices. Since Thanksgiving is not nearly as commercialized as the other holidays, we’ll have plenty of time to check out great live New England music. Especially during that restful four […]