Boston’s Beehive fast becoming top place for Sunday night blues
This Is Soul Sunday is held every Sunday night from 8:00 p.m. until midnight at The Bee Hive on Tremont Street in Boston. This Is Soul Sunday features essentially the same “house band” every week with a rotating cast of lead singers. The service was good last night. The walls are decorated with paintings that […]

Ron Noyes Band @ Penuche’s Ale; Ryan Hartt @ Strange Brew; Just Us @ Village Trestle
Saturday night gave me a chance to wander around Manchester, New Hampshire’s roots music club scene. Starting out at Penuche’s Ale on Hanover Street in the Queen city, I checked out Ron Noyes Band. Noyes and his three other players rocked Penuche’s Ale with their Americana roots rock.Noyes has power in his voice and his […]

HeatherFest16 offers blues bands this Sunday Sept 12 @ 1:00 p.m.
HEATHERFEST 16 Sunday Sept. 12 @ 1:00pm 65 Freeman St. Norton, MA $20 Donation All Proceeds go to Charity featuring: The Duke Robillard Band Brian Templeton Racky Thomas Toni Lynn Washington Mr. Nick & the Dirty Tricks Diane Blue Cheryl Aruda Special Guests: Evan Goodrow Tyler Cheo PARTY NOTES There will be NO GRILLS this […]

HeatherFest 16 runs Sunday, Sept 12 @ 1:00 p.m.
Heather McKibben just released this informtion to BillCopelandMusicNews.com: HeatherFest 16 Sunday, September 12th @ 100pm – 1100 ? $20 donation All proceeds go to Charity! BYOB & coolers. I ask that all guests bring “potluck” food to share. Please don’t come empty handed… There will be NO GRILLs this year so please plan accordingly. There […]

Rush documentary highlights the trio’s longevity, success
The new Rush documentary film Beyond The Lighted Stage is incredibly good. A story of immense talent, much struggle, horrific tragedy, and incredible perseverance, Rush has been chronicled here in every stage of their career. This tale of strong personalities standing up to critics and their own record company speaks to the underdog in all […]

Souled Out at Whipps; 24/7 at Linda’s Sports Bar; Wantu Blues Jam; The Beehive Jam in Boston
I had a great music weekend. Last Saturday night, I went to see Souled Out Show Band at Whipppersnappers in Londonderry.Souled Out had their usual batch of horn songs that went over well. The owner of Whipps/leader of Souled Out, Mark Belanger was hosting his high school graduating class alumni party. He had musicians from […]
Wantu Blues Jam Sunday August 15 to benefit Transitional Home for homeless vets
Sent to Bill Copeland from Brenda Cadieux: We are hosting a Blues Jam, to Benefit The Liberty House Veterans Shelter. Liberty House is N.H.’s first in the state, Transitional Home,for Homeless Veterans. All proceeds, will go directly to the cause. The event takes place, on Sunday Aug. 15th, 3:00-7:00 at The Village Trestle,Goffstown,N.H. We are […]

Barnful of Blues Festival runs August 7; Noon to 8pm
Granite State Blues Society Barnful of Blues Festival – August 7, 2010 12pm to 8pm Gates open at 11am – General Admission Granite State Blues Society Barnful of Blues Festival – August 7, 2010 12pm to 8pm Gates open at 11am – General Admission The Barnful of Blues Festival is a family-oriented music event with […]
John Moriconi goes solo, gets tapped to help record music for September 11 film documentary
John Moriconi is known through out the blues scene for his blue trumpet, the one he played in the Chicken Slacks until he left them a few weeks ago. But, how many people know that Moriconi has been working on a documentary soundtrack? Read further and get clued in.