The Buzz

Sugar And The Cane Breakers to present special lineup September 16

Sugar And The Cane Breakers to present special lineup September 16

Title – Sugar and the Cane Breakers – Everything They Do Gohn Be Funky This new band will be performing @ Beatniks, located in Worcester 433, Park Ave. Start Time – 9pm 1:30am Pre – sold Tickets can be bought on line @ and also at the door $10.00 cover Lead singers Keri Anderson […]

Pet Rock Festival is a music tribute to animals

Heroes Among Us Pet Rock 2011 Commemorates 9-11 With Animal Tribute, and Plenty of Live Music Worcester, Massachusetts: The 13th Annual Pet Rock Festival will take place Sunday, Sept. 11, 2011 [rain date, Sept. 18] from noon to 5 p.m., at Quinsigamond Community College, 670 West Boylston St., Worcester. Tickets: $13 adults, $5 kids. Note: […]

Satch announces new venue for blues jams in Quincy

NEW JAM VENUE!! Now, beginning THIS Thursday, Aug. 25 @ 9:15PM, I begin a new Thirsty Thursday reign at a great new venue in Quincy, Pete’s Place Bar & Grille, 840 South St. Quincy (just around the corner from the old Yardrock across from the old shipyard, now Quirk). Three rooms, bar, lounge and patio. […]

Elle Gallo annouces Eve Rising Music Festival on September 17

Elle Gallo annouces Eve Rising Music Festival on September 17

Dubbed as the next “Lilith Fair”, and recognized by the readers of Northshore Magazine as the North Shore’s best festival/fair; The 2nd annual Eve Rising Music Festival will be held on Saturday September 17 at 1 Washington St, at the outdoor Rooftop Deck. Performances by several award winning artists, including: Robin Lane (of Robin Lane […]

Groovy Afternoon of Cape Cod releases info about their band

Groovy Afternoon of Cape Cod releases info about their band

The band members of Groovy Afternoon collectively have over 100 years of music experience under their belts  and includes critically acclaimed rock vocalist and screen actor Christine Mascott, as well as guitarist Paul Mascott whose performance credits include international touring productions of The Who’s Tommy and Jesus Christ Superstar. The couple’s extensive theatrical body of work […]

Whippersnappers plans special day of food and live music celebration; August 28

Whippersnappers plans special day of food and live music celebration; August 28

  Location Whippersnappers 44 Nashua Road Londodnerry NH Created By Whippersnappers Whips More Info August 28th – Celebration of Live Music and Whippersnappers New Cuisine As most patrons of Whippersnappers already know, there is no better place to go when you want to watch a game and spend time with good friends, or to bring […]

Bruce Marshall nominated for “Legends Award”

Bruce Marshall is nominated for the “Legends Award” in the 2011 Worcester Music Awards sponsored by Pulse Magazine. – An Award for local band/performer that is still going strong and is an important part of local music history. Please use the link below to cast your vote for Bruce Marshall in Category 26 “Legends Award”: […]

Pyschedelic Clown Car to release an EP every week for a year

Psychedelic Clown Car Psychedelic Clown Car: Week 1 “Get In” « Sully’s Cafe Psychedelic Clown Car is a new solo project from Matt Martin, he’s going to be releasing a new EP every week for a YEAR, that means 52 releases on the way. The first installment, “Get In”, is available for streaming until […]

Blues festivals announced for Summer 2011

Blues Festivals coming soon: Barnful Of Blues in New Boston, New Hampshire on August 6th. /Onset Blues Festival on August 6th. /Blues N Brews Festival in Westford, Massachusetts on August 20th. /White Mountain Boogie N’ Blues (Aug 19th, 20th, 21st) /North River Blues Festival (Marshfield Fair) August 27th & 28th /Greenfield Blue-B-Cue on August 27th […]

Mr. Nick found website that finds funding for creative projects

Mr. Nick found website that finds funding for creative projects

Mr Nick just sent this into Bill Copeland Music News: Hey Bill, maybe you could share this with your folks…..I’m writing to let you know that the band has just finished recording an awesome record and we’re at the stage where we need to mix & master it. That along with some remaining studio expense […]