
Keyboardist Ron Levy pens beautiful tales of his life as a road musician

Keyboardist Ron Levy pens beautiful tales of his life as a road musician

Ron Levy has been a storyteller all of his life. It’s his natural gift to relate to others his experiences in the form of anecdotes, jokes, and stories. Levy has also been a professional musician all of his life, and so it is only natural he has written biographical accounts of his life as a […]

Lisa Guyer

Do these local artists really “sound like” these nationally famous artists?

Many times we hear someone comparing one singer to another. Some people try to describe what a local singer sounds like by comparing her to a national star. This attempt to put a name on something varies in effectiveness. Every singer is unique so it is hard to understand what a person means by saying […]

New England music scene suffers from lack of consensus over professional conduct

New England music scene suffers from lack of consensus over professional conduct

Contrary to popular belief, most musicians, at least the ones I deal with, are not a collection of egomaniacs. I’ve been fortunate in my coverage of the greater-Boston/New England music scene to have dealt mostly with professional musicians and music industry professionals. Yet, there is a no set of standards and or guidelines for what […]

BillCopelandMusicNews takes on paranormal researcher Ce Ce Carol and others

What’s up with all of these people who are trying to pass themselves off as ghost hunters? Do any of these people, like Ce Ce Carol, actually have college degrees in science? Have any of these “paranormal investigators” ever been endorsed by scientists at major colleges or universities? Why don’t they ever bring the ghost […]

Some, but by no means all, of my favorite songs

Some, but by no means all, of my favorite songs

I wrote this list of some of my favorite songs because I kept getting turned off by those lists of the greatest bands of all time, greatest albums of all time, and the greatest songs of all time. Those lists are so subjective and they’re open to endless debate and interpretation. Some people complain when their favorite band or album didn’t make it into the top ten portion of 100 artists or albums.