CD Reviews

Donna-Lee DePrille takes her listeners All Over The Map and keeps arriving in good territory

Donna-Lee DePrille takes her listeners All Over The Map and keeps arriving in good territory

Western Massachusetts-based singer Donna-Lee DePrille takes her listeners on a grand adventure throughout her album All Over The Map. As the album title indicates, this CD finds DePrille strutting her vocal magic through a land of varied genres, song structures, and soundscapes. By the time the last songs concludes, many might feel they have just […]

Ken Clark Organ Trio master their Funk Side Jazz Side to swing like rockers

Ken Clark Organ Trio master their Funk Side Jazz Side to swing like rockers

The Ken Clark Organ Trio’s new release Funk Side Jazz Side offers a tasty smattering of both dishes. Sometimes it works against an artist to have a foot planted firmly in two different genes at once. Yet, in the case of Ken Clark and his Organ Trio, working with funk and jazz idioms proves quite […]

Mark Bishop Evans's Somethin' 'Bout Tomorrow chock-full of good songs, well rounded album

Mark Bishop Evans’s Somethin’ ‘Bout Tomorrow chock-full of good songs, well rounded album

Mark Bishop Evans latest CD Something’ ‘Bout Tomorrow is chock-full of good songs. More importantly, his inclusion of driving rock to round out his tender singer-songwriter ballads results in a well rounded disc as well as one rounded out by fine songwriting, fine vocals, and fine musicianship. The assertive, barn burning title track opens this […]

Cliff Notez arrives with masterful Why The Wild Things Are

Cliff Notez arrives with masterful Why The Wild Things Are

With a sweeping light synthesizer and a steady drum punctuation, the listener is transported into the other worldly soundscape of Cliff Notez, a Boston rapper who incorporates all sorts of instrumentation and musical styles into his works. His latest album Why The Wild Things Are could make him a major league rapper on the national […]

Martha's Vineyard's Tristan Israel offers dandy singer-songwriter treat with Out Into The Midnight

Martha’s Vineyard’s Tristan Israel offers dandy singer-songwriter treat with Out Into The Midnight

Tristan Israel’s latest album Out Into The Midnight takes Israel’s singer-songwriter flare for expressive vocals and artistic lyrical flourishes and adorns them with special instrumentation. Penny whistle, violin, and quirky keyboards create a special soundscape for this Martha’s Vineyard singer-songwriter to put across his warm regard for life and all of the special folks who […]

Tony Savarino comes up with another masterpiece: Savvy Tonarino

Tony Savarino comes up with another masterpiece: Savvy Tonarino

Tony Savarino has several new tricks up his sleeve these days. His new Savvy Tonarino album is loaded with many fine moments of his exceptional guitar work, things he didn’t do the last time around in the studio. While his technique has always been top notch, he pushes himself here to do more with tones, […]

The Sunset Kings are off to a powerful start with The Ballad Of Bella Fury

The Sunset Kings are off to a powerful start with The Ballad Of Bella Fury

The Sunset Kings’ debut CD The Ballad Of Bella Fury takes prog rock to a higher level. Its inclusion of saxophone and violin allow for colors, tones, and textures not usually found in those playing complex rock song structures, odd time signatures, and wildly impressive instrumental solos. Some of the instrumental passages remind of mid-1970s […]

Christa Joy offers much with Get On, Heart

Christa Joy offers much with Get On, Heart

Christa Joy’s latest CD Get On, Heart is country roots at its finest, tasteful, restrained, and filled with fun, perky little acoustic notes. Joy’s songwriting delves into the human heart and all its mysterious connections to the rest of the world. Nestled inside woven lines of pretty instrumentation, each of her tunes has a special […]

Paul DeChambeau offers heart, soul in his lyrics, details, depth in his music on More Than Meets The Eye

Paul DeChambeau offers heart, soul in his lyrics, details, depth in his music on More Than Meets The Eye

Paul DeChambeau’s latest CD More Than Meets The Eye is aptly titled. Many of the songs on this album require multiple listening to here all of what his vocal and his instrumentation has to offer. Not only is this a very pleasant album, it is elaborate in its arrangements of voce and notes. Aside from […]

Joanne Lurgio rises to musical, spiritual heights with Crossing Jordan

Joanne Lurgio rises to musical, spiritual heights with Crossing Jordan

Joanne Lurgio’s latest CD Crossing Jordan, featuring accompanist Bryan Barrette, finds her in a spiritual mode. Although she’s returned to her church and her religious training for her lyrical fair, Lurgio’s vocal and musical delivery is not far removed from her previous singer-songwriter material. Her ten arrangements and two originals here tug on the ear […]