Hermine Basso; with Fleetwood Heart(wtih Beautiful Losers) Taunton District Of The Arts April 20; Triple Play Acoustic at benefit at The Boat Dracut, MA April 7; Triple Play Acoustic Lynn’s 102 Tavern, Hudson, NH August 28. photo credit: Barbie Kibertis of Barbara Lynn Photography, Methuen, MA
April. It’s spring already, and the temperatures are getting warmer, for now. We can get out more often in the nicer weather and take in more live music. Below are some offering where you can find your favorite New England music, bands, and singer-songwriters.
April 2: Sharon Jones; featured artist at Paul & Nate’s Tuesday Night Featured Artist and Open Mic Night. KC’s Rib Shack; Manchester, New Hampshire. Feature: 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Open mic 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
April 2: Patty Keough; The Stomping Ground; Putnam, Connecticut.
April 3: Taylor Hughes; The Forum; Penacook, New Hampshire. 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 3: Rebecca Turmel; Fratello’s Manchester, New Hampshire. 5:30 pm
April 4: Acoustic Mayhem; Lakehouse Tavern; 157 Main Street, Hopkinton, New Hampshire. 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 4: Rebecca Turmel; DOX on Winnisquam; Tilton, New Hampshire. 6:00 pm
April 4: Jodee Frawlee; Common Man; Windham, New Hampshire. 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 4: Lana Del Rey tribute; Museum of Science, Boston 1 Science Park, Boston, MA 02114-1000, United States
April 4: J Martarano solo; The Stones; Stoneham, Massachusetts. 8:00 pm
April 4: Reclaiming Folk: Celebrating People of Color in Folk Music featuring Naomi Westwater, Pamela Means and Kim Moberg; Rabb Hall Boston Public Library; 700 Boylston Street Boston, Massachusetts. 6:00 pm
April 4: Susan Ursprung Band with Audie Bridges. Steve Tapper and Zach Bridges; Walnut Street Cafe; West Lynn, Massachusetts. 7:00 pm.
April 5: Jennifer Mitchell solo; Hilltop Pizza; Epsom, New Hampshire. 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Aprils 5: Mica’s Groove Train; Lilac City Grille; Rochester, New Hampshire,. 7:00 pm
April 5: Gay Perkoski; Willow Brook; Mendon, Massachusetts. 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
April 5: Mike & Missy Unplugged; Wachusett Brew Yard; Worcester, Massachusetts. 6:00 pm
April 5: Time Bandits; Crescent Yacht Club; Haverhill, Massachusetts. 8:00 pm
April 5: Jeennifer Tefft & The Strange & TS – Fireseed Arts – Framingham – w/ Special guest @Adam Sherman Tix $15 adv / $20 door TIX 7:00 here: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/6257856
April 5: Tokyo Tramps; The Red House Restaurant, 98 Winthrop Street, Harvard Square Cambridge, Massachusetts. 02138 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 5: Tree, Scissorfight, Inverter; The Vault; New Bedford, Massachusetts. 7:00 pm $15

April 6: Steve Butler hosting Chuckwagon Benefit; Workman’s Club; Manchester, New Hampshire. 4:00 pm to midnight. $10.
April 6: Nicole Knox Murphy; Pizzaman; 850 East Industrial Park Drive, Manchester, NH 850 E. Industrial Park Dr. 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
April 6: Rebecca Turmel; Murphy’s; Bedford, New Hampshire. 6:00 pm
April 6: Gay Perkoski; The Tavern at Dan’l Webster Inn; Sandwich, Massachusetts. 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
April 6: Evan Goodrow; Byfield Community Arts Center; Byfield, Massachusetts.
April 6: American Beauties Sound of Mind record release, with special guests Grownup Noise. The Square Root Roslindale, Massachusetts. Music from 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm
April 6: Tokyo Tramps; Brandeis University, ‘Jsai,’ 415 South St, Waltham, Massachusetts. 02453 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 6: Professor Harp with special guest City Peter Poitier; Theodore’s; Springfield, Massachusetts.
April 6: Slapback; Amvets; 9 Amvets Lane, Randolph Massachusetts. 7:30 pm to 11:00 pm.
April 6: One Dime Band @ Resurrection Blues Revue II w/ The Wicked Lo-Down, Duke Robillard & Sugar Ray Norcia and Chris Duarte Group; Tupelo Music Hall; Derry, New Hampshire.
April 6: PoZeR ; The Bar; in Hudson, New Hampshire. 8:30 pm
April 6: Houston Bernard; Off The Rails; Worcester, Massachusetts. https://offtherailsworcester.com/…/chris-shelby-and…/
April 6: The MISSY Maxfield Project; The Elks; Natick, Massachusetts. 8:00 pm
April 6: Messy Excuses; Tacklebox Brewing Company; 416 Boston Post Road, Marlborough, Massachusetts. 8:00 pm
April 6: Tony Soul Project; Halligan’s Bar Auburn 8:00,
April 6: Slapback; Amvets Lane, Randolph, Massachusetts. 7:30 pm to 11:00 pm
April 6: American Beauties Sound of Mind Album Release with Special Guest The Grownup Noise at The Square Root 2 Corinth Street, Roslindale, Massachusetts. Music 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm
April 7: Rebecca Turmel; The Alamo; Brookline, New Hampshire. 4:00 pm
April 7: Jazz Jam; Parish Center for the Arts, 10 Lincoln Street, Westford, Massachusetts. 3:30 pm
April 7: Gay Perkoski; Towne Tavern & Tap; No. Attleboro, Massachusetts. 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
April 7: Tokyo Tramps; Bog Iron Brewing; 33 West Main Street, Norton, Massachusetts. 02766 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm
April 7: Sado-Domestics ; The Square Root. 2 Corinth Street, Roslindale, MA 02131. 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. https://sadodomestics.com/…/sado-domestics-first…
April 7: Triple Play Acoustic; Benefit @The Boat; Dracut, Massachusetts. 2:00 pm
April 7: Mugshot Monday for a benefit; The Boat; Dracut, Massachusetts. 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
April 7, Jodee Frawlee; Featured Artist at mike G’s jam Greendale’s; Worcester, Massachusetts. 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm
April 7: -The Jungle/matinee’ w/ Mean Old Fireman, & Spackle; 6 Sanborn Court, Somerville Massachusetts. 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
April 7: Mean Old Fireman, The Jungle, 6 Sanborn Court, Somerville, Massachusetts. 5:00 pm
April 7: Jason Yeager Trio (piano trio); The Mad Monkfish; 524 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 02139 617-441-2116 http://themadmonkfish.com
April 7. Sado-Domestics. The Square Root. Roslindale, MA 02131. 4:00 to 6:00 PM. https://sadodomestics.com/…/sado-domestics-first…
April 7: Gerry Beaudoin Jazz Group; Beacon Restaurant; Marblehead, Massachusetts. 11:00 am
April 8: Jodee Frawlee; Dox; Tilton, New Hampshire 5:00 pm to 8:00pm
April 8: Rebecca Turmel; Owl’s Nest; Thorton, New Hampshire. 3:00 pm
April 8 Rebecca Turmel; The Grotto; Plymouth, New Hampshire. 6:00 pm
April 9: Rebecca Turmel; Marriott; Burlington, Massachusetts. 6:00 pm
April 9: Chad Verbeck; featured artist at Paul & Nate’s Tuesday Night Featured Artist and Open Mic Night. KC’s Rib Shack; Manchester, New Hampshire. Feature: 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Open mic 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
April 10: Jackie Crow; The Forum Pub; Penacook, New Hampshire. 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 9: Jodee Frawlee; Fratello’s Manchester , New Hampshire. 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
April 11: Rebecca Turmel; Copper Door; Bedford, New Hampshire. 7:00 pm
April 11: Reclaiming Folk: Celebrating People of Color in Folk Music featuring Naomi Westwater and Kim Moberg; Eldredge Public Library; 564 Main Street, Chatham, Massachusetts. 5:00 pm
April 11: Marianne Solivan Quartet; Monkfish concert series; $20 7:00 pm https://www.exploretock.com/…/marianne-solivan-quartet
April 12: Rebecca Turmel; Backyard Brewery; Manchester, New Hampshire. 6:00 pm
April 12: Mugshot Monday; Sweeney Post; Manchester, New Hampshire. 8:00 pm to 11 :30 pm.
April 12: Mica Peterson Duo; Mica Peterson Duo; Porter’s Pub; Rochester, New Hampshire. 6:00 pm
April 12: Gay Perkoski; Crue Brew Brewery; Raynham, Massachusetts. 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
April 12: Rock Junkies; TJ Callahan’s Tewksbury, Massachusetts. 9:00 pm
April 12: LoveSexy – a tribute to Prince; Phoenician; Haverhill Massachusetts. 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm
April 12: OverTone band; The Green Dragon; Boston, Massachusetts. 9:30 pm
April 12: The Gravel Project featuring Jen Kearney and special guests The Freight; Lizard Lounge. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Doors – 8:00 pm. $15 adv $20 day of.
April 12; The Bespoke Consort; Menino Arts Center; 26 Central Avenue Hyde Park; Boston, Massachusetts. 7:00 pm
April 12: PB & J Acoustic Duo; Sports Emporium; Weymouth, Massachusetts. 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
April 12: Slapback; Dino’s, 401 Nathan Ellis Highway, Mashpee, Massachusetts. 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm
April 12: Tokyo Tramps; Break Rock Brewing Company, 534 Victory Road, Marina Bay, Quincy, Massachusetts. 02171 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 12: After hours with Andy Voelker Trio Jam Session; The Mad Monkfish; 524 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 02139 617-441-2116 http://themadmonkfish.com
April 13: Don B Circle; The Forum Pub; Penacook, New Hampshire. 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
April 13: Tokyo Tramps; 6-9pm, The Red House Restaurant, 98 Winthrop Street, Harvard Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 02138 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 13: One Dime Band Acoustic Blues Duo @ the Sundrop York, Maine. 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 13: Shana Stack Band; American Legion; Keene, New Hampshire. 7:00 pm
April 13: Rebecca Turmel; Twin Barns; Meredith, New Hampshire. 5:00 pm
April 13: Jodee Frawlee; The mill; West Boylston, Massachusetts. 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 13: Gay Perkoski; Cape Cod Coffee; Wareham Massachusetts. 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
April 13: Time Bandits; Saddle Up Saloon; Kingston, New Hampshire. 8:00 pm
April 13: Jennifer Mitchell solo; Hideaway Pub; Salisbury, Massachusetts. 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
April 13: J Martarano solo; The Village Tavern; Salem, Massachusetts. 3:00 pm
April 13: Linda Marks (with Paul McWilliams on the piano) hosts Boston Association for Cabaret Artists Open Mic; Club Cafe; Boston, Massachusetts. 1:00 pm with
April 13: Mike & Missy Unplugged; Days End Tavern; Oxford, Massachusetts. 8:30 pm
April 13: Delta Generators (Blues-Roots-R&B-Americana-Rock); Parish Center for the Arts, 10 Lincoln Street, Westford, Massachusetts. 8:00 pm
April 13: Messy Excuses, Sparetime Recreation; 117 Church Street, Whitinsville, Massachusetts. 7:00 pm
April 13: Chick Singer Night Boston 20th Anniversary Show hosted by Jennifer Truesdale! The Burren, Backroom; Davis Square, Somerville, Massachusetts. Tickets and info at https://tickets.24hourmusic.com/eventperformances.asp… Doors: 6:00 pm. Show: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 13: Tony Soul Project; Glenda’s Pub; 948 Main Street, Warren, Massachusetts. 8:00 pm
April 13: Amoricans The Black Crowes Tribute; Music Room Cape Cod 541 Main Street, West Yarmouth, Massachusetts. 7:00 pm
April 13: Evan Goodrow; The Stomping Ground; Putnam, Connecticut.
April 14: Mica’s Groove train – Groove Fest; Longboards Restaurant; Salem, Massachusetts. 6:00 pm
April14: Gerry Beaudoin Jazz Group; Beacon Restaurant; Marblehead, Massachusetts. 11:00 am.
April 14: Tim Ray Trio� (piano trio); The Mad Monkfish; 524 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 02139 617-441-2116 http://themadmonkfish.com
April 14: Tokyo Tramps; “Sunday Brunch Live’’ Hard Rock Cafe Foxwoods, 350 Trolley Line Blvd, Ledyard, Connecticut. 06338 Noon to 3:00 pm
April 16: Faith Ann; featured artist at Paul & Nate’s Tuesday Night Featured Artist and Open Mic Night. KC’s Rib Shack; Manchester, New Hampshire. Feature: 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Open mic 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
April 16, Bonnie MacLeod ‘I Love a Piano’ at Club Cafe. Dinner at 5;30, one hour show at 6:30 to 7:30.
April 17: Shawn McGyver; The Forum Pub; Penacook, New Hampshire. 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 18: Acoustic Mayhem; Lakehouse Tavern; 157 Main Street, Hopkinton, New Hampshire. 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 18; Rebecca Turmel; Lower Mills Tavern; Boston, Massachusetts. 7:30 pm
April 18: Jennifer Mitchell solo; Toll Booth Tavern Francestown, New Hampshihre. 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 18: Nicole Knox Murphy; Auburn Pitts; 167 Rockingham Road, Auburn, New Hampshire. 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
April 18: Mama Kilsmith’s Open Mics and More at Timberyard Brewing Company Monthly on the 3rd Thursday all ages all talents welcome.6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 18: Jodee Frawlee; Ken’s Steakhouse; Framingham, Massachusetts. 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
April 18: Tokyo Tramps; The Red House Restaurant, 98 Winthrop Street, Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA 02138 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 18: Bare Bones Trio; Drift; Gloucester, Massachusetts. 8:30 pm
April 18: Kirill Poudavoff Quartet; Monkfish Concert Series Tickets $15 7:00 onhttps://www.exploretock.com/…/kirill-poudavoff-quartet
April 19: Rebecca Turmel; The Grotto; Plymouth, New Hampshire. 8:00 pm
April 19: Ben Harris; The Forum Pub; Penacook, New Hampshire. 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
April 19: One Dime Band acoustic blues duo; Byfield Community Arts Center Local Lounge; 7 Central Street, Byfield, Massachusetts. 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
April 19: Mike & Missy Unplugged; Firefly’s BBQ; Marlborough, Massachusetts. 7:00 pm
April 19: Jodee Frawlee; Bellies Barnyard; Ware, Massachusetts. 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 19: Slapback; J&R’s Indian Head Pub; 278 Main Street, Hanson, Massachusetts. 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm
April 19: Heat; MGM Commonwealth Bar & Lounge; Springfield, Massachusetts. 8:00 pm
April 19: Rock Junkies; The Nest; Plaistow, New Hampshire. 7:30 pm
April 20: April Hall Quintet �(jazz vocalist); The Mad Monkfish; 524 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 02139 617-441-2116 http://themadmonkfish.com
April 20: Jennifer Mitchell Band; Forester’s Club; Sonny Armstrong Benefit, Non-Smoking upstairs & open to the public Tickets at the door: $15 per person or $25 per couple. Raffles, food, and more…. Newport, New Hampshire. 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
April 20: Tony Soul Project; Framingham Eagles; Framingham, Massachusetts. 7:30 pm
April 20: Gay Perkoski; The Tavern at Dan’l Webster Inn; Sandwich, Massachusetts. 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
April 20: Jodee Frawlee; Ballys Casino; Tiverton , Rhode Island. 8:30 pm to 12:30 am
April 20: Fleetwood Heart/Beautiful Losers; District Center for the Arts; Taunton, Massachusetts. 8:00 pm
April 20: Mike & Missy Unplugged Oakholm Brewing Company Brookfield, Massachusetts. 1:00 pm
April 20: Who Made Who; Chop Shop; Seabrook, New Hampshire. 8:30 pm
April 20:, Act: WormTown 4:20 Show with WORM, Dirty Walter and the Smelltones, Pint Killers, Mitch Kramer, C.O.B. , Location: Ralph’s Diner 148 Grove Street, Worcester, Massachusetts. 8:00 pm
April 20: The Nightflies (music of Steely Dan); Burren Backroom; 247 Elm Street, Davis Square, Somerville, Massachusetts. 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 20: Messy Excuses, Morse Tavern 85 E Central Street Natick, Massachusetts. 9:00 pm
April 20: The Long Wait; Sonic Bomb; TJ Welch & The Wasted; The Thirsty First; 103 Market Street, Lowell, Massachusetts. 9:00 pm
April 20: Mach Bell Experience (MBE); Square Root; Boston. Massachusetts. 8:00 pm
April 20: PB&J Acoustic Duo at Middle Ground Grill in Weymouth, Massachusetts. 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm
April 20: Kim Moberg and Heather Swanson; Snow Library; 67 Main Street, Orleans, Massachusetts. 2:00 pm
April 20: Professor Harp; The Stomping Ground; Putnam, Connecticut.
April 21: Rebecca Turmel; Poor House BBQ; Canaan, New Hampshire. 5:00 pm
April 21: Mike Turk Trio (harmonica, piano, bass); The Mad Monkfish; 524 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 02139 617-441-2116 http://themadmonkfish.com
April 21: Tony Soul Project; Paddock Lounge; Fitchburg, Massachusetts. 3:00 pm
April 21: Gay Perkoski; Towne Tavern & Tap; Wareham, Massachusetts. 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
April 21: Who Made Who; The Pines at the Lafayette Club; Taunton, Massachusetts. 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
April 21: Gerry Beaudoin Jazz Group; Beacon Restaurant; Marblehead, Massachusetts. 11:00 am.
April 22: Tony Soul Project; Cady’s Tavern; 2168 Putnam Pike Chepachet, Rhode Island. 3:00 pm
April 23: Shari Richardson; featured artist at Paul & Nate’s Tuesday Night Featured Artist and Open Mic Night. KC’s Rib Shack; Manchester, New Hampshire. Feature: 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Open mic 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
April 23: Nicole Knox Murphy; Campo Enoteca; 969 Elm Street, Manchester, New Hampshire. 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
April 24: Gardner Berry; The Forum Pub; Penacook, New Hampshire. 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 24: Shana Stack Band; Walker Lecture Series, Concord Auditorium; Concord, New Hampshire. 7:30 pm
April 25: Melancholy Honey; Allyson’s Orchard; 57 Alyson’sLane, Walpole, New Hampshire, United States, New Hampshire 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
April 25: Rebecca Turmel; DOX on Winnisquam; Tilton, New Hampshire. 6:00 pm
April 25: Jennifer Mitchell solo; The Village Trestle; Goffstown, New Hampshire. 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 25: 2nd SHIFT Special Event: THE FOLK COLLECTIVE Songs for Earth and Humanity; Charles River Museum; 154 Moody Street, Waltham, Massachusetts. 8:00 pm
April 25: Songwriters Circle Time hosted by Serena May at WCUW 91.3 FRONTROOM – Worcester, Massachusetts. 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
April 25: Evan Goodrow; The Cave at the Red Lion Inn; Cohasset, Massachusetts.
April 25: Gregg Perry and The Strange Berries at The Plough and Stars, 912 Massachusetts. Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 10:00 pm
April 25: Brian Larney / Alan Walker; Cafe 9; New Haven, Connecticut. Showtime 8:00 pm
April 26: Yoko Miwa Trio (piano trio); The Mad Monkfish; 524 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 02139 617-441-2116 http://themadmonkfish.com
April 26: Mica’s Groove Train; Mitchell Hill at The Roberge; Rochester, New Hampshire. 7:00 pm
April 26: Rock Junkies; Haluwa; Nashua, New Hampshire.
April 26: Gay Perkoski; Crue Brew Brewery; Raynham, Massachusetts. 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
April 26: Who Made Who; The Last Resort; Smithfield, Rhode Island. 8:30 pm
April 26: Jodee Frawlee; Baystate Brewerey; Worcester, Massachusetts. 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
April 26: Evan Goodrow; The Town And The City Festival; Lowell, Massachusetts.
April 26: Mike & Missy Unplugged; Saw Dust Coffee/Dessert Bar; Sturbridge, Massachusetts. 7:30 pm
April 26: OverTone Band; Hennessy’s; Boston, Massachusetts. 9:30 pm
April 26; Mean Old Fireman; The Parlour; Providence, Rhode Island. 6:00 pm
April 26: Tokyo Tramps; The Red House Restaurant, 98 Winthrop Streets, Harvard Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 02138 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
April 27: Brian Booth Circle; The Forum Pub; Penacook, New Hampshire. 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
April 27: Rebecca Turmel; The Foundry; Manchester, New Hampshire. 6:00 pm
April 27: Mugshot Monday; The Village Trestle; Goffstown, New Hampshire. 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
April 27: Nicole Knox Murphy; Bristol House of Pizza; 115 Lake Street, Bristol, New Hampshire. 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
April 27: Tokyo Tramps; Japan Festival Boston, Gazebo Stage, Boston Common, 16 Charles Street, Boston, MA 02108 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm
April 27: Linda Marks and Mark Bishop Evans, House Concert, Lincoln, Massachusetts. 2:30 pm
April 27: Mike & Missy Unplugged; Skybokx 109 Sports Bar & Grill; Natick, Massachusetts. 9:00 pm
April 27: AC/VT; Angel city music Hall; Manchester, New Hampshire. 8:00 pm
April 27: Professor Harp; Grumpy’s; Falmouth, Massachusetts.
April 27: Rock Steady and Nightshade & Gold at the Magic Room! 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm
April 28: Triple Play Acoustic; Lynn’s 102; Tavern; Hudson, New Hampshire. 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
April 28: Parker Wheeler & Amadee Castenell present The All Stars with special guest Mario Perrett Byfield Community Arts Center 7 Central Street, Byfield, Massachusetts. United States, Massachusetts (978) 255-2359 info@byfieldcac.org 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
April 28: Gay Perkoski; Towne Tavern & Tap; No. Attleboro, Massachusetts. 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
APRIL 28: Sunday JAZZ Brunch, Antonia’s at the Beach, 492 Revere Beach Blvd. The lineup: Yours Truly-vocals, Steve Heck- keys, Mike Ball-bass, Miki Matsuki-drums with Special Guest Pat Loomis-sax! RESERVE NOW: 781-284-1272 Noon to 3:00 pm
April 28: Gerry Beaudoin Jazz Group; Beacon Restaurant; Marblehead, Massachusetts. 11:00 am.
April 29: Jodee Frawlee; Homestead; Merrimack, New Hampshire. 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
April 30: Jodee Frawlee; Stark Brewing Company; Manchester, New Hampshire. 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
April 30: Angelo Mullen; featured artist at Paul & Nate’s Tuesday Night Featured Artist and Open Mic Night. KC’s Rib Shack; Manchester, New Hampshire. Feature: 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Open mic 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.