BillCopelandMusicNews.com just received the following press information from Conrad Warre Dear Friends Of Smoken’ Joe’s: We’re posted a donation site (with the kind help of the Boston Blues Society) to raise funds to help Joe & Wendy – to thank them for their generosity and support of the musical community in and around Boston, we’ve booked the Foundation Room at the House of Blues on Landsdowne Street for the evening of Thursday Sept 25th for a fundraising evening.
We’d like to ask for your help with the following.
Please distribute & share the donation website url with your friends and fans:
If you’re available – please volunteer to play at the Smoken’ Joe’s Fundraiser Benefit in the Foundation Room on Sept 25. There’ll be a drum kit, PA & some backline – 100% of the door will go to Wendy, Joe and to Smoken’ Joe’s – the HOB will take the bar. If you can let me know via email if you can play early or very late in the evening that would be greatly appreciated. As many of you that come come even if you don’t play would be a great sign of support to Smoken’ Joe’s. I’m sure we’ll “mash-up” some acts and free-form by the end of the night!
If you can’t play, or attend the fundraiser evening – please help by promoting this fundraiser to your friends, readers, press & radio, and fans.
We hope Wendy will Emcee the evening – and will begin work on the evening’s musical roster as soon as your responses start to come in – the live music can start as early as 5:00pm and could run till 1:00am.
Any and all volunteers are welcome to help with promotions, marketing, graphics, social media, word of mouth, calling radio – and generally tilting at windmills!
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