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Walter Joyce And The Jail Breakers kicked ass at Smoken' Joe's last night

Walter Joyce And The Jail Breakers kicked ass at Smoken’ Joe’s last night

Walter Joyce And The Jail Breakers kicked like a mule at Smoken’ Joe’s in Brighton last night. This cat Walter Joyce and his Jail Breakers wasted no time getting into a heavy duty, driving beat, driving groove that Joyce could sail his fiery harmonica lines over. By the second number, Joyce was electrifying on harp, […]

Rick Berlin strikes again with Always On Insane CD

Rick Berlin strikes again with Always On Insane CD

Rick Berlin With The Nickel & Dime Band let their high octane rock and roll music pour forth on their new Always On Insane CD. Berlin’s scratchy vocal, edgy backing players, and ebullient song structures are grand and diverse here. Berlin has a driving rock style that cannot not be compared to anybody else. Just […]

Dave Birkin's really weird gig at the Middle East

Dave Birkin’s really weird gig at the Middle East

Musicians have a mix of good gig and bad gigs. Some have quite a few weird gigs. Boston saxophonist Dave Birkin recently shared one of his weird gig experiences. Birkin, of Dave B And The Hot Shots, had once opened for a circus comedy like show at the Middle East in Cambridge that featured public […]

Deadites to headline 16th Annual Halloween Extravaganza

Deadites to headline 16th Annual Halloween Extravaganza

The Deadites will be headlining their 16th Annual Halloween Extravaganza. This year They have a very special guest co-headling with thm, the amazing synth pop of Teeel. ( All of this goes down on October 27 at the Lucky Dog Music Hall in Worcester, MA. The Deadites will be giving away an iPad 2 as a door prize […]

Rhode Island based charity 24 Hour Music Project seeks to raise money

Rhode Island based charity 24 Hour Music Project seeks to raise money

Kyle Andree is the director for a Rhode Island based charity called The 24 Hour Music Project. This is what it does. In August they  gathered over 50 Rhode Island area musicians, songwriters and vocalists together to record an album in 24 Hours. Among those gathered include members of past WBRU rock hunt winners For The Love of Sloane, […]

Leaving Eden releasing new album

Leaving Eden releasing new album

Fronted by distinctive female vocalist, Carole Gynan, their new album Between Heaven & Hell is a brilliant fusion of heavy rock, pop and acoustic tracks.  The album is produced by the legendary London-based producer Stuart Epps (Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles), and features Mick James (Criss Angel Mindfreak).  Leaving Eden has already shared […]

The Stone Coyotes rip it up on rocking A Wild Bird Flying CD

The Stone Coyotes rip it up on rocking A Wild Bird Flying CD

Aside from having an interesting personal history, The Stone Coyotes are a whip smart rock and roll trio with carefully crafted, hard-driving songs. The trio has a faint trace of roots rock in their sound. Enough to keep their songs engaging, not so much it feels like a novelty act. Their time period is hard […]

Ron Levy offers up huge creative genius and madness on Funky Fiesta CD

Ron Levy offers up huge creative genius and madness on Funky Fiesta CD

Ron Levy is a madman. In a good creative kind of way. But a madman none the less. Levy’s compositions on his new CD, Funky Fiesta, feature numerous musical styles and instruments crisscrossing and or supporting each other in way that are not usually done. Each composition is like a journey through Levy’s mind, and […]

Hey Now, Morris Fader reaches higher level with Good Times Ne'er Forgot CD

Hey Now, Morris Fader reaches higher level with Good Times Ne’er Forgot CD

Hey Now, Morris Fader have outdone themselves with their latest release, Good Times Ne’er Forgot. Back to the original three piece format of organ-bass-drums, the trio have amazing guest guitarists fleshing out their sound. Yet, it’s the three piece format that contributes to the ultra catchiness of their new material. There is a tightness, freshness, […]

Shirley Lewis Band rocked Smoken' Joe's last night

Shirley Lewis Band rocked Smoken’ Joe’s last night

The Shirley Lewis Band rocked the crowd at Smoken’ Joe’s in Brighton last night. Lewis, despite getting on in years and needed to “take it easy” still made it a party with her vivacious spirit. Several people remained in her audience until the grand finale. As a bonus attraction Lewis had local legend Chris Stovall […]