Lauren Passarelli creates pleasant, unique soundscapes on her new Blast Of Love CD
Lauren Passarelli just released her Blast Of Love CD, and it’s a blast of fun tunefulness and deep, thoughtful lyrics. Playing all of the music on her disc, the singer-songwriter-multi-instrumentalist’s greatest strength is her ability to create ambient, atmospheric soundscapes with her guitars. Just the lightest touches is all she needs to set the mood […]

Do these local artists really “sound like” these nationally famous artists?
Many times we hear someone comparing one singer to another. Some people try to describe what a local singer sounds like by comparing her to a national star. This attempt to put a name on something varies in effectiveness. Every singer is unique so it is hard to understand what a person means by saying […]

Marty Nestor outshined cheesy J. Geils Band tribute Full House
It does happen now and then that an opening band turns in a much better performance than the headliner. Last night at the Bull Run Restaurant in Shirley, Massachusetts was such an occasion. The main attraction was Danny Klein’s cheesy, atrocious J. Geils Band tribute act Full House. Boy, did those guys fail to do […]

Boston blues guitarist Chris Stovall Brown loves his gear
Chris Stovall Brown can talk endlessly about his guitars and gear. He went into some detail about his axe, amps, pickups, and pedals. The life long Boston blues guitarist is considered a minimalist. Many guitarists use their pedals rather than their amps to give them the sound they’re looking for. Brown gets by more on […]

Scott Tarulli talks gear; likes G&L Guitars
Boston musician Scott Tarulli is a man who know his guitars and amps. Tarulli, who backs others on stage and in the studio between making his own albums, was on hand to talk about his gear. Tarulli gets to work with some of the most exciting musicians in Boston. One thing he likes talking about […]