Chelmford’s Jacy Dawn sees her Nashville star rising; writes song for up and coming star
Jacy Dawn has been living the dream of being an up and coming country music star. That dream recently got a little closer to reality when Dawn was asked to write a song for a mid level Canadian country singer . Dawn’s song will be the second single off of Jasmine Paige’s new CD. Dawn’s song now appears on a CD with other songs written by some of the best known songwriters from Nashville.

Musician and business owner Mark Belanger serves up the bands while his restaurant serves up the meals
Up until two and a half years ago Mark Belanger only knew the music business from a musician’s point of view. After becoming co-owner of Whippersnappers Restaurant in Londonderry, New Hampshire, he’s had to concern himself with everything from bands to food service to venue security.
The Divine Crime will funktify LA with their new debut CD Obliquity
The Divine Crime are part of a positive new trend in modern reggae and R&B, real instruments laying down the groove and playing melody lines instead of dance tracks and synthesized music. With any luck, The Divine Crime might push off this new revolution all by themselves.
Village Trestle and Wan-Tu Blues Jams hosted special Valentine’s Day benefit for ailing musician
Yesterday’s Wan-Tu Blues Jam was a special occasion. Not only was it Valentine’s Day, the Blues Jam was also a benefit for musician Rick Baxter, who recently suffered a stroke and is unable to use his left arm. Needless to say, the turn out was amazing, and there were a few special guests in the room, like Mighty Sam McClain and Shirley Lewis.
Through The Doors put on a good live tribute to Mr. Mojo Risin’ and the music of The Doors
Through The Doors represent yet another tribute to the Jim Morrison-lead band from the late 1960s to early 1970s. These guys, though, have something special. Lead singer Ernie Potter looks a lot like the late Mr. Morrison and he carries himself with much the same somber poise.

Keyboardist breaks out on his own with his Travis Colby Band
Everyone who follows the greater-Boston blues scene has heard of Travis Colby. He’s the young keyboardist for Rhode Island’s very busy blues giants Roomful Of Blues. Colby, who also is accomplished on guitar, shows up at many blues jams and he has lead numerous side projects over the years. Finally, the keyboardist-guitarist-vocalist has started a rootsie power trio called, simply enough, the Travis Colby Band.
Gilmour’s Breakfast recreates Pink Floyd sound at The Beach House in Portsmouth, Rhode Island
Gilmour’s Breakfast left their hometown of Worcester last night to take on The Beach House in Portsmouth, Rhode Island. This six-piece Pink Floyd tribute band rocked their Rhode Island fans and likely made some new ones. Using only a fraction of their stage effects, Gilmour’s Breakfast focused mainly on channeling the musical vibe of a Pink Floyd concert. The Beach House is a wide open room, spacious, with the ceiling not too high, not too low. The sound traveled well through out the three hour show.